Musings of a CuriousGanja

Friday, June 01, 2007

[9] Bane of political correctness

Words like 'benchow' in hindi 'pen di' and 'maa di' in punjabi 'waatha baadu ommale' in tamil are harmless words that are used as punctuations and conjunctions and help the speaker maintain his flow and continuity over his spoken language. And 'fcuk', (See I cant even write it properly) the most versatile word in angreji can be modified to be used in almost every situation.

Even the word shit and its derivatives (piss and fart) used in all its glory provide a fascinating source of spice to language allow limitless arsenal of analogies, metaphors and proverbs at the speakers disposal.

But as we grow up these words start to be less accepted in the lingo. Political correctness is the norm. Now to analyze why such words are taboo in society. How much ever I love and respect the fairer sex I would have to hold them responsible for this. This is a bold statement to make for a guy who has mastered the art of not understanding the female psyche, so I better stop as I hear sandles slamming on my door, but I do encourage you to think over this and come to your own conclusions.

Needless to say I write this because your truly has been a victim of having his foot in his mouth and subject to social awkwardness and agonizing stares for having less than perfect control of the muscles of his tongue. So I request the patriarchs of society to slacken the rules and make it easier for my kind.


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