Musings of a CuriousGanja

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

[7] And I went skydiving..

This has to rank among the craziest thing I have ever done in my life. To jump of a moving plane 12000 ft above the ground hoping that some plastic will open out from a bag is demented idea. Having said that the plastic has not failed anybody for 20 years in the site. And weighing that probablity against Murphy's affection for my backside, the former won (but not by much). While jumping off with the tandem master, it felt as though a 600 HP pump was in me pumping the adrenaline. The 40 sec free fall reaching 120 mph was like the feeling, life is over and me going to meet the maker. Then when the chute opened was like everything was still.
The whole experience burnt a big hole in my pocket and have to go on a big cost cutting spree this month. And now I depend on largesse of well meaning souls in communities like bhuka gators to inform about free food in and around the univ. Also any party invite will not be refused.

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